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Run like you’re on fire

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“One life. Just one. So why aren’t we running like we’re on fire toward our wildest dreams?”

I wish I knew who said that, so I could hug that person and maybe give her some dark chocolate. I read this “anonymous” quote around 2 weeks ago. It struck me and it stuck with me, and Sunday, I knew why.

I attended a half-marathon. I have never gone to a live race. This time, I had 5 people to cheer for, but perhaps most specifically, a friend of mine who doesn’t always believe in herself, and sometimes psyches herself right out of doing things that her absolutely greatness and giftedness would allow her to do.

She did it. She crossed that line.

And so did my other people. And so did a bunch of other people whose stories I didn’t know, but sometimes, I could see just enough on their faces. It made me say –

Everyone finishing this race has a story. Everyone overcame something to be here.

It’s such an easy metaphor for life. The long distance seems so daunting. There is a threat of injury, humiliation, or just plain surrender. We worry about running alone, about not being as fast or efficient or cool as someone else, about not meeting our own expectations, much less those of others. We want to look good. We want to accomplish our personal best. We want to inspire others. We want to finish well.

We want to have a story that matters.

Not one dramatic thing has happened in my life this year (thank God, for real). But I am changing. It’s an easy metaphor for me, too… I feel like that emerging butterfly, fighting to shed a cocoon I’ve been stuck in for a long time.

I am tired of the past weighing me down.
I am sick of worrying about what other people think.
I am frustrated by the time I choose to spend “warming the bench” of my own life these past few years.

So I am answering the question posted. No more “Why not?” Just.. let us!

I am running. Like I’m on fire (well, definitely metaphorically, because I don’t even want to imagine that for one second).

  • I wrote a book. I’m going to shop for a publisher.
  • I have a voice and perspective that encourages women. I’m going to turn up the volume.
  • I’ve begun a process of getting fitter. It matters for my health and because my daughters are watching. I have sisters in this boat. I registered for a half-marathon that takes place in May. We are going to run together.

What is holding you back? Down? To the sidelines?
– it is most likely something YOU can change.

We only have this life.

Say your NO without guilt…
  Say your YES with passion.
    Then RUN!


How did I get here? It’s been a process this year. If you’d like to revisit “Things We Quit,” for some practical, fun, & grace-filled tips, go back here!

Want to win an e-copy of the book that started me on fire this year? SHARE this post or any from Kell of a Story, and you could win. I will announce a winner on Monday!

And finally, my first half-marathon will be the North Myrtle Beach Diva Run. Coupon code RUNDIVASAVE10 saves you 10% off registration.

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