miscarriage and our two year old
The comparison game that women play creeps into grief as well. Just because you didn't hold your baby or see your baby or even know the sex of your baby does not mean you did not lose a child. #miscarriagematters
The comparison game that women play creeps into grief as well. Just because you didn't hold your baby or see your baby or even know the sex of your baby does not mean you did not lose a child. #miscarriagematters
I have probably said before how much having another child surprised us. It changed my perspective on mothering, family, my career aspirations, my belief in God and His works, my bond to other women, my pregnancy experience... everything.
There is no reconciling this. I miss you every day, and yet, if you were here,he would not be. {A letter to the son I miscarried, near his due date}